20 SeptemberIASI level 2 CO and SO2 climate data records (CDRs) have been released.
5 AugustDegraded data quality on some GOME-2B L2 trace gas products. Read more...
25 JuneEuropean UV product's information page and online quality monitoring page have been published.
6 MayKNMI plans to upgrade the AC SAF processors on Tuesday, 14 May between 05:00 - 13:00 UTC. Read more...
18 AprilAC SAF Operations Report 2/2023 has been published.
24 JanuaryThe latest AC SAF Operations Reports have been updated.
3 JanuaryThe coarse resolution ozone profile product is now available only via special request to the AC SAF Heldesk.


27 OctoberAC SAF Operations Report 1/2023 has been published.
18 OctoberNew AC SAF Service Specification (issue 1.7) has been published.
21 SeptemberA demonstrational version of the IASI ammonia (NH3) total column is available.
27 JuneA new demonstrational version 4.0 of the Directional Lambertian-Equivalent Reflectivity data record for Main Science Channels (MSCs) and Polarisation Measurement (PMD) is available.
27 AprilAC SAF Operations Report 2/2022 has been published.
21 AprilGOME-2 level 3 daily/monthly trace gas products declared operational.


13 DecemberThe latest AC SAF Operations Reports have been updated.
21 NovemberDLR ATMOS ftp server will have a service outage due to system upgrade on 29 November, 10:00-12:00 CET.
25 OctoberAC SAF Operations Report 1/2022 has been published.
23 JuneNew AC SAF Service Specification (issue 1.6) has been published.
18 MayNRT IASI HNO3 and total O3 / O3 profile products are now available.
2 MayTropospheric BrO data record has been released.
20 AprilNRT UV index products (clear-sky and cloud-corrected) based on Metop-C data are now available.
14 AprilGOME-2A/B high-resolution ozone profile (OHP) data record is now available.
7 AprilAC SAF Operations Report 2/2021 has been published.
24 FebruaryArchiving of GOME-2A high-resolution ozone profile (OHP-A) data record is complete. Both GOME-2A/B data records will be officially released as soon as the formal review process with EUMETSAT is complete.
7 FebruaryThe archiving of GOME-2B high-resolution ozone profile (OHP-B) data record (see the news from 10 January) is now complete. Archiving of OHP-A data record is still ongoing.
27 JanuaryMetop-C IASI near real-time CO and SO2 products have been upgraded from 'demonstrational' to 'operational' status.
10 JanuaryTemporary shortage of high-resolution ozone profile products


16 DecemberThe latest AC SAF Operations Reports have been updated.
16 NovemberMetop-A de-orbiting has begun.
15 OctoberMetop-A is planned to be de-orbited in November 2021. Read more...
20 SeptemberAC SAF Operations Report 1/2021 has been published.
8 JuneTotal CHOCHO column data record released.
21 MayKNMI plans to upgrade the AC SAF processors on Thursday, 3 June between 07:00 - 11:00 UTC. Read more...
6 MayIASI SO2 altitude product released as "demonstrational".
15 AprilOperational status for GOME-2C SO2 total columns.
25 FebruaryOpen Call for L3 data validation released.
17 FebruaryAbsorbing Aerosol Height data record released.
3 FebruaryTemporary shortage of Absorbing Aerosol Height products.


16 DecemberValidation Report for the Metop-C total O3 products has been published.
14 DecemberNRT and offline Absorbing Aerosol Height products available. Read more...
1 DecemberNew AC SAF main web pages have been published.
30 NovemberDLR online quality monitoring tool is operational.
26 NovemberMetop-C near real-time Absorbing Aerosol Height product is now available via EUMETCast.
26 OctoberNew Metop-C products and ordering service discontinuation.
13 OctoberGOME-2C NRT and offline trace gases processed at DLR are available via EUMETCast and AC SAF DLR archive. Data access: NRT and offline.
Validation Reports for the Absorbing Aerosol Height and Metop-C NO2, BrO and HCHO products have been published. Product User Manual for the ozone profile products has been updated.
12 OctoberProduct User Manual and Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for Absorbing Aerosol Height products have been published
30 SeptemberAC SAF Service Specification 1.4 has been published.
28 SeptemberAC SAF product ordering service through the EUMETSAT Data Centre will be discontinued. Read more...
21 SeptemberAC SAF Operations Report 1/2020 has been published
18 SeptemberFive new publications in the context of AC SAF added to the list
18 AugustPossible degradation of Metop-A GOME-2 Level 2 product quality. Read more...
16 JuneDLR FTP server changed
30 MarchAC SAF Operations Report 2/2019 has been published.
25 MarchEUMETCast channel used for the distribution of AC SAF data changes. Read more...
4 MarchOffline surface UV updated to version 2.2.
2 MarchVertical ozone profile and absorbing aerosol index products updated. Read more...
3 FebruarySurface UV data record has been released. At the same time, the availability of the offline OUV data via EDC has changed. Read more...


8 NovemberRisk of degraded Metop-A GOME-2 product quality between 14 November 2019 and 14 April 2020 due to Metop-A satellite being in drifting orbit. Read more...
10 SeptemberAC SAF Operations Report 1/2019 has been published.
4 SeptemberAC SAF Service Specification 1.3 has been published.
19 JuneNew merged (Metop-A+B) LER surface albedo data record has been released.
19 MarchAC SAF Operations Reports 2/2018 has been published.
1 FebruaryKNMI plans to upgrade the AC SAF processors on Monday, 11 February between 06:00 - 12:00 UTC. No significant product delays are expected. Read more...


10 DecemberAC SAF Operations Reports 2/2017 and 1/2018 have been updated.
10 DecemberRisk of degraded product quality between 31 December 2018 and 17 March 2019 due to Metop-A satellite being in drifting orbit. Read more...
1 DecemberProcessing of orbit-based offline total column products has been discontinued. Read more...
19 NovemberUpdate of the AC SAF GOME-2 ozone profile products has been successfully completed.
4 OctoberAC SAF Operations Report 2/2017 has been updated.
20 SeptemberAC SAF Operations Report 1/2018 has been published.
13 AugustThe AC SAF GOME-2 aerosol product upgrade was successfully completed. The new version of the AAI product from the PMDs is now corrected for the so called end-of-orbit and across-track corrections. Read more...
31 JulyUpgrade announcement: the operational processors of the AC SAF at KNMI will be upgraded 13 August at 08:00-12:00 CET. Read more...
12 JuneGOME-2 vertical ozone profile quality assessment pages republished after OMPS limb profile update (version 2.5).
19 AprilAC SAF Service Specification 1.1 has been published.
18 AprilNRT IASI SO2 product has been released.
7 MarchAC SAF Operations Report 2/2017 has been published.
23 FebruaryGOME-2 NO2 and H2O level 3 climate data records have been released.


14 DecemberRisk of degraded product quality between 26 January 2018 and 19 February 2018 due to Metop-A satellite being in drifting orbit. Read more...
28 NovemberThe latest O3M SAF / AC SAF Operations Reports are now available.
15 SeptemberNew chlorine dioxide data record has been released.
7 SeptemberAC SAF Service Specification 1.0 has been published.
31 AugustThe first AC SAF news bulletin (1/2017) is available here.
20 JuneThe IASI SO2 product is available via EUMETCast as demonstrational product. The official release is expected to happen in autumn 2017. Feedback is highly appreciated.
2 JuneNew Lambertian-equivalent reflectivity data records have been released.
1 JuneNRT and offline coarse resolution ozone profile products are no longer processed, please use high-resolution profile products instead. Existing offline CR products remain available.
27 AprilReprocessed absorbing aerosol index data records (AAI and AAI from PMD's) have been officially released. This data forms a consistent time-series with the operational products being processed on a daily basis. The data with older algorithm versions are available only with a special request.
19 AprilNew publication in AC SAF context about surface reflectivity climatologies published
13 MarchThe first AC SAF Metop/IASI products have been released. The near real-time IASI CO products from Metop-A and Metop-B satellites are available in BUFR format via channel EUMETCast Europe on EUTELSAT 10A.
7 MarchThe coarse resolution ozone profile products NOP and OOP will be discontinued 1 June 2017. After that the only option will be the more accurate high-resolution ozone profile products NHP and OHP. Please, update your systems accordingly. If you have any questions, contact AC SAF Helpdesk: helpdesk@acsaf.org.
1 MarchName of the SAF was changed to Satellite Application Facility on Atmospheric Composition Monitoring (AC SAF). The main website and helpdesk address changed as well.
1 FebruaryGOME-2 vertical column trace gas products reprocessed with GDP 4.8 for the period 23/01/2007 – 16/11/2016 (Metop-A) and 13/12/2012 – 16/11/2016 (Metop-B) available via data record access page.


9 DecemberThe Director-Generals of EUMETSAT and FMI signed cooperation agreement for the Third Continuous Development and Operations Phase (CDOP-3) of AC SAF. The CDOP-3 covers the period 2017-2022 and will further extend EUMETSAT’s portfolio of operational products and develop new products extracted from MTG and EPS-SG observations.
21 NovemberFinal reports "Study of the interpixel variability of NO2 from GOME-2 using Mobile-DOAS measurements" and "Spatiotemporal validation of IASI trace gas measurements at the pixel scale" of the O3M SAF Visiting Scientist Activities (IDs: O3_AS15_03 and O3_VS15_01) published.
27 OctoberNRT ozone and trace gas processor updated to version GDP 4.8.
17 OctoberOffline ozone and trace gas processor updated to version GDP 4.8.
15 JanuaryProduct information page for the offline tropical tropospheric O3 products has been published.


17 DecemberFinal report "The STRatospheric Estimation Algorithm from Mainz (STREAM): Implementation for GOME-2" of the O3M SAF Visiting Scientist Activity (ID: O3_AVS15_02) published.
27 NovemberFinal report "Evaluation of the possibility to derive reliable OClO slant columns from GOME2b and GOME2a spectra" of the O3M SAF Visiting Scientist Activity (ID: O3_AS14_02) published.
16 NovemberOPERA software (processing the ozone profile, aerosol and tropospheric ozone products) updated to version 1.35.
8 OctoberThe tropospheric O3 products have been declared operational and are disseminated as part of the O3 profile product files.
14 SeptemberOPERA software (processing the ozone profile and aerosol products) updated to version 1.34 as announced 31 August.
3 SeptemberNRT total column products have been added to product samples.
31 AugustKNMI will upgrade their operational software 14 September. The NRT and offline AAI products will start to use less stringent spectral quality control in order to allow retrieval of AAI of significantly more ground pixels.
28 MayOPERA software (processing the ozone profile and aerosol products) updated to version 1.33.
25 MayVersion 1.3 of the O3M SAF Service Specification has been published.
20 MayKNMI will upgrade their operational software 28 May. The NRT and offline AAI products will start to use a GOME-2 instrument degradation correction factor.
18 MarchNew O3M SAF offline surface UV validation report has been published.
15 MarchThe daily maximum NO2 photolysis rate product j(NO2) was released. It is part of the Offline surface UV product family and available via offline data access page by selecting "Surface UV".
26 FebruaryNew ozone validation & quality assessment website (http://lap3.physics.auth.gr/eumetsat/main) published.
23 FebruaryOPERA software (processing the ozone profile and aerosol products) updated to version 1.32.
7 JanuaryVersion 1.2 of the O3M SAF Service Specification has been published.


10 NovemberOnline data ordering via EUMETSAT Data Centre will be unavailable between 11 November 09.00 UTC and 13 November 16.00 UTC due to system upgrades.
5 SeptemberNew data record, Lambertian equivalent reflectivity, is now available. The data record covers time period 2007-2013 and is available in two versions: data from Main Science Channels (MSC) or from Polarisation Measurement Devices (PMD).
26 MayO3M SAF News Bulletin 1/2014 has been published and sent to the members of the mailing list and to the user community.
19 MayUpdated Product User Manual (issue 1.42) and Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 2.32) for aerosol products published.
8 MayCompletely updated O3M SAF web pages published with new features: common user registration and access to FMI and DLR data archives, improved navigation, simplified structure and enhanced appearance.
28 FebruarySatellite data source for offline surface UV products is switched from Metop-A to Metop-B. The data processing is stopped for three days and it will resume 4 March.
8 JanuaryO3M SAF Metop Atmospheric Chemistry Meeting, which was planned to be arranged on the island of Naxos, Greece in June 2014, has been postponed due to overlapping conference. More information will be available in spring.
7 JanuaryNRT coarse/high resolution ozone profiles from Metop-B data are now available via WMO/GTS in BUFR format.


29 NovemberArchiving and dissemination of Offline Absorbing Aerosol Index from PMDs' (in HDF5 format) begins.
10 OctoberNew O3M SAF product 'NRT Absorbing Aerosol Index from PMDs' available via EUMETCast in HDF5 format.
2 SeptemberO3M SAF Metop Atmospheric Chemistry Meeting will be arranged on the island of Naxos, Greece in June 2014.
2 SeptemberNew ARS/AAI Product User Manual (issue 1.4) available.
14 JulyMetop-B/GOME-2 products are available.
14 JulyChanges in the measurement configuration of the GOME-2 instruments onboard Metop-A and Metop-B satellites.
13 MayArchiving and dissemination of High-resolution Offline Ozone Profile (O3MOHP) product begins.
13 MayOPERA PGE (NOP/OOP/OHP/ARS processor) software updated to version 1.28.


18 SeptemberMetop-B launched successfully from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan 17 September at 16:28 UTC.
3 SeptemberCloud-corrected NRT UV index (NUV/CLOUD) product available at DMI website.
31 AugustThe launch of Metop-B has been re-scheduled for 17 September.
10 August19 September confirmed as a new launch date for Metop-B.
7 AugustOPERA PGE (NOP/OOP/ARS processor) software updated to version 1.26.
30 MayLaunch of Metop-B postponed.
1 MarchContinuous Development and Operations Phase (CDOP) 2 started.
30 JanuaryOPERA PGE (NOP/OOP/ARS processor) software updated to version 1.25.
10 JanuaryARS/AAI Validation Report (issue 1/2012) published.


25 OctoberGOME-2 level 1B data quality has reached nominal levels, therefore level 1B data dissemination has been resumed at 14:57 UTC.
22 OctoberDue to a complete payload switch-off of Metop-A, GOME-2 level-1B data dissemination stopped during orbit 25988 at 22:35 UTC. The recovery of all instrument is currently ongoing. However, GOME-2 level-1b data dissemination won't resume until Tuesday morning.
30 SeptemberNew O3M SAF paper "A review of the ozone hole from 2008 to 2010 as observed by IASI" published.
13 AprilOffline total water vapour product (OTO/H2O) declared operational.
5 AprilDissemination of GOME-2 NRT level 1b data was interrupted with sensing time 10:12 UTC. The problem was fixed successfully and the data dissemination resumed at 18:45 UTC with sensing time 16:38 UTC. The data outage has direct effect on the availability and timeliness of the O3M SAF near real-time products scheduled to be processed during the specified time period.
5 AprilNO2/NO2Tropo Validation Report published.
30 MarchEUMETSAT Data Centre unavailable due to technical maintenance. The service will be accessible again 31 March at 10:00 UTC.
14 MarchARS/AAI Validation Report (issue 1/2011) published.
10 MarchIDL reader for OOP and ARS/AAI products released by KNMI. Link to the reader package is found in the product information pages.
25 JanuaryData connection to Sodankylä Satellite Data Centre was lost around 12:30 UTC, preventing also product archiving and ordering. The connection was restored 13:40 UTC.
10 JanuaryNTO/OTO Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 2/D) published.
3 JanuaryOPERA PGE (NOP/OOP/ARS processor) software updated to version 1.24.
Changes: ability to read the latest GOME-2 L1b data (new product format 12.0).


29 OctoberUnexpected reboot of the FMI archiving server, archiving stoppped. Archiving services restarted 1 November.
13 OctoberOperator mistake on EUMETCast reception at FMI led to a situation where NTO/O3 files were not storaged to a rolling archive. Subsequently, OUV processing was missing ozone data and produced OUV grids were empty. Ozone data flow from EUMETCast was restored 18 October and the next proper OUV product was sent to FMI archive 22 October. OUV products between 10 and 18 October are to be reprocessed.
16 SeptemberAround 12:30 UTC, power outage in Sodankylä Satellite Center caused the virtual servers (including archiving and ordering servers) to automatically reboot. After that, all file systems were on read-only mode and some I/O functions were disabled. During the evening and the following morning all servers were rebooted once more. All servers were operational 17 September at 06:00 UTC.
1 SeptemberNew O3M SAF web pages published.
18-20 AugustProduct ordering from O3M SAF archive at FMI via WWW not functioning due to archiving server kernel update which broke dbiproxy module needed for remote database access.
9 JuneFMI ordering server fully operational again.
2 JuneNUV Product User Manual (issue 1.4) published.
20 MayFMI ordering server restarted in virtual environment (VMware), running CentOS 5.5 as client. Recovery of ordering scripts, web pages and re-installation of necessary services and programs begin.
19 MaySevere hard disk failure in FMI ordering server. All ordering from FMI archive via O3M SAF website were stopped. Orders via EUMETSAT Data Centre were not affected.
14 MayNTO/OTO Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 2/C) updated.
12 MayARS Product User Manual (issue 1.01) published.
29 AprilNOP/OOP Product User Manual (issue 1.0) published.
29 AprilARS/AAI Product User Manual (issue 1.0) published.
29 AprilNOP/OOP Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 1.0) published.
29 AprilARS/AAI Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 1.0) published.
29 AprilOPERA PGE (NOP/OOP/ARS processor) software updated to version 1.23.
29 AprilNUV Validation Report (issue 2/2010) published.
26 MarchFMI archiving server fully operational again.
15 MarchFMI archiving server restarted in virtual environment (VMware), running Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 as client. Recovery of archived data from backups and re-installation of necessary services and programs begin.
11 MarchSevere hard disk failure in FMI archiving server. All archiving and ordering services were stoppped.
8 MarchDissemination of OTO/HCHO and OTO/H2O via EUMETSAT Data Centre and EOWEB begins.
6 MarchOTO/HCHO declared operational, OTO/H2O declared pre-operational.
3 MarchOPERA PGE (NOP/OOP/ARS processor) software updated to version 1.22
25 FebruaryOTO/HCHO Validation Report (issue 1/2010) published.
19 FebruaryNTO/OTO Product User Manual (issue 2/C) published and Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 2/C) updated.
10 FebruaryOTO/H2O Validation Report (issue 1/2010) published.
8 FebruaryDIMS control software updated to version 2.2.3
30 JanuaryNTO/OTO Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 2/C) published.


18 DecemberNTO/OTO Product User Manual (issue 2/B) updated.
9 DecemberNOP, OOP and ARS/AAI declared operational.
24 NovemberNTO/OTO/O3 Validation Report (issue 3/2009) published.
19 NovemberDissemination of ARS/AAI via O3M SAF web page, EUMETSAT Data Centre and FMI rolling archive begins.
17 NovemberOTO/BrO Validation Report (issue 2/2009) published.
16 NovemberNTO/OTO Product User Manual (issue 2/B) published.
2 NovemberNOP/OOP Validation Report (issue 2/2009) published.
30 OctoberNTO/OTO Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 2/B) updated.
21 OctoberNOP/OOP Product User Manual (issue 0.9) published.
1 SeptemberNOP/OOP Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 0.8) published.
1 SeptemberARS/AAI Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 0.8) published.
25 AugustARS/AAI Validation Report (issue 1b/2009) published.
22 MayOTO/BrO declared operational.
17 JuneOTO/BrO dissemination via UMARF and EOWEB begins.
10 JuneOUV validation pages published. Pages include information about the latest archived product file, online monitoring of erythemal daily dose (global average, both long-term and 30-day monitoring) and the latest validation report.
10 JuneDissemination of OUV begins. Product is available to users via UMARF, O3M SAF web pages and the rolling archive.
22 MayOUV declared operational.
19 MayRolling archive service started with OOP products. Each day at 00:00 UTC, all operational and pre-operational products that have been archived to the O3M SAF archive at FMI during the previous day are uploaded to an ftp server to provide easier and faster access to the daily data. Product files are available on the server for one week.
21 AprilARS/AAI declared pre-operational.
19 AprilO3M SAF archive at FMI temporarily unavailable.
15 AprilOTO/BrO Validation Report (issue 1/2009) published.
15 AprilNOP/OOP Validation Report (issue 1/2009) published.
15 AprilARS/AAI Validation Report (issue 1/2009) published.
15 AprilARS/AAI Product User Manual (issue 0.7) published.
15 AprilARS/AAI Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 0.7) published.
14 AprilNTO/OTO Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 2/B) updated.
3 MarchNTO/OTO Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 2/B) published.
13 FebruaryOUV Validation Report (issue 1/2009) published.
12 FebruaryOUV Product User Manual (version 1.3) published.
11 FebruaryNUV/CLEAR declared operational.
28 JanuaryNTO/OTO Product User Manual (issue 2/A) updated.
28 JanuaryNTO/OTO Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 2/A) updated.
22 JanuaryNTO/O3, NTO/NO2, NTO/NO2Tropo, OTO/O3, OTO/NO2, OTO/SO2 and OTO/NO2Tropo declared operational.
21 JanuaryO3M SAF archive at FMI temporarily unavailable.
19 JanuaryNUV Validation Report (version 3.1) published.


10 DecemberOPERA PGE (NOP/OOP/ARS processor) software updated to version 1.16
9 DecemberNTO/OTO Product User Manual (issue 2/A) published.
24 NovemberNTO/OTO/NO2/NO2Tropo Validation Report (revision 1) published.
24 NovemberNUV Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 1.3) published.
20 NovemberNOP/OOP Product User Manual (issue 0.8) published.
12 NovemberDVD ordering from the O3M SAF archive at FMI operational.
11 NovemberNTO/OTO/O3 Validation Report (revision 2) published.
4 NovemberOTO/SO2 Validation Report (issue 1.1) published.
30 SeptemberNUV Product User Manual (issue 1.3) published.
30 SeptemberNOP/OOP Product User Manual (issue 0.7) published.
30 SeptemberARS/AAI Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 0.6) published.
30 SeptemberNOP/OOP Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 0.7) published.
26 SeptemberNTO/OTO/O3 Validation Report (revision 1) published.
26 SeptemberNTO/OTO Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 1/D) published.
15 SeptemberOUV Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 1.2) published.
1 SeptemberNOP/OOP Validation Report (using lidars and microwave radiometers) published.
29 AugustFMI archiving and ordering servers down 04:00-09:30 UTC due to electrical maintenance.
1 JulyNOP/OOP Validation Report (using balloon sondes) published.
24 JuneEUMETCast dissemination of NOP (in BUFR format) begins.
26 MayUPAS (NTO/OTO processor) software updated to version 1.2.4
23 MayNOP/OOP Product User Manual (issue 0.6) published.
23 MayARS/AAI Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 0.5) published.
23 MayOPERA PGE (NOP/OOP/ARS processor) software updated to version 1.14
30 AprilNTO/OTO Product User Manual (issue 1/E) published.
23 AprilOTO/NO2Tropo and NUV/CLEAR declared pre-operational.
18 AprilNOP/OOP Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 0.6) published.
14 AprilNTO/OTO Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 1/C) published.
4 AprilOUV Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 1.2) published.
3 AprilUPAS (NTO/OTO processor) software updated to version 1.2.3
2 AprilFirst OTO/O3 and OTO/NO2 products available via UMARF.
18 MarchEUMETCast dissemination of NOP (in HDF5 format) begins.
12 MarchNOP/OOP Product User Manual (issue 0.5) and Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (issue 0.5) published.
29 FebruaryNOP/OOP declared pre-operational.
29 FebruaryUPAS (NTO/OTO processor) software updated to version 1.2.2
28 JanuaryOPERA PGE (NOP/OOP/ARS processor) software updated to version 1.13