Degraded GOME-2B L2 data quality:

Since 24 June 2024, GOME-2 on Metop-B has been experiencing increased instabilities in the spectral assignment in channel-2B due to the degrading of the onboard spectral light source.

Consequently, the quality of the solar mean reference spectrum in the GOME-2B level-1B product has been affected (channel-2B only).

Currently, the degraded level-1B product affects the quality of the level-2 SO2 column product provided by the AC SAF and the quality of the level-2 total ozone product might undergo changes as well.

EUMETSAT and the AC SAF are closely monitoring the quality of the GOME-2B level-1B and trace gas products in the coming time, and will appreciate any feedback concerning data quality.

This issue with the GOME-2B level-1B product quality is expected to be resolved with the implementation of an alternative spectral calibration algorithm in the GOME-2 level-1B product processing facility.